function nvim_ve { if [[ -e "$VIRTUAL_ENV" && -f "$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate" ]]; then source "$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate" command nvim $@ deactivate else command nvim $@ fi } alias nvim=nvim_ve function ffb { if ! [[ -f package.json ]]; then echo "no package.json" return fi if [[ -f yarn.lock ]]; then PACKAGE_MANAGER=yarn else PACKAGE_MANAGER=npm fi if [[ -n $(grep "react-scripts" package.json) ]]; then BROWSER=none FORCE_COLOR=true "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" start | cat fi } function afm { RES=$(curl -s "https://$1/api/monitoring/requirements") COUNT=$(echo "$RES" | grep -c $2) if [[ $COUNT -ge 0 ]]; then VER=$(echo "$RES" | jq '.[] | select(.name | contains("'"$2"'")).version') # OP=$(echo "$RES" | jq '.[] | select(.name | contains("'"$2"'")).requirement?[0][0]') # echo "$2""$(echo "$OP" | tr -d '"')""$(echo "$VER" | tr -d '"')" echo "$2""==""$(echo "$VER" | tr -d '"')" fi } function nukepip { pip uninstall $(pip freeze) -y pip install -r $(pyenv root)/default-packages } function pyinit { if [[ -f .python-version ]]; then echo "found .python-version, stopping" return fi DIRNAME=$(basename "$PWD") if [[ $(pyenv versions | grep "$DIRNAME") ]]; then echo "found existing version with this name, setting..." pyenv local "$DIRNAME" return fi if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo "no python version provided, defaulting to $(pyenv version-name)" VERSION=$(pyenv version-name) else VERSION=$1 fi pyenv virtualenv "$VERSION" "$DIRNAME" pyenv local "$DIRNAME" } function lh { if [[ -z $1 ]]; then PORT=8000 else PORT=$1 fi open "http://localhost:$PORT" } function dps { if [[ -z $1 ]]; then docker ps --format table'{{ .ID }}\t{{ .Image }}\t{{ .Ports}}\t{{ .Names }}' else docker ps --format table'{{ .ID }}\t{{ .Image }}\t{{ .Ports}}\t{{ .Names }}' | grep $1 fi }